
ESG & Sustainability

At BPI we see the topics of ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) & Sustainability not only as our corporate responsibility but as an area of great opportunity.

ESG & Sustainability at BPI

We believe ESG practices set the foundation for long-term sustainable returns.

A multi-stakeholder approach with consideration of ESG factors does not stand alone in isolation but permeates every aspect of business. Therefore, weaving ESG throughout the business model from how you think about basic policies to how you interact with your environment helps not only to manage risks but position for good performance. This applies both to our portfolio companies and how we do business internally at BPI.

We started our ESG journey with our 2020 review and have been continuously deepening and refining our approach.  We have now established an ESG policy and have incorporated ESG metrics and processes into the way we conduct due diligence, make & monitor investments and carry out our everyday business at BPI. We believe in constant learning and sharing these learnings amongst our network and look forward to continuing this journey going forward.

Our team are dedicated and diverse investment professionals based in Munich, Berlin, London and Singapore.





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